
Chaincode Manager

We have a tool to package and deploy chaincodes generated with convector. Once you install @worldsibu/convector-tool-chaincode-manager installed you will have the chaincode-manager commands available in your .bin folder inside the node_modules.


Packaging a Convector app consists of copying the core chaincode into a folder, install the controllers and move the local references. To avoid this manual labor we have a command avilable to do it for you.

chaincode-manager package --config ./chaincode.config.json --output ./chaincode

The configuration file ./chaincode.config.json is expected to have a couple of things. Please read the following template carefully, since this is a Hyperledger Fabric requirement. Include this in the root of your project.

  // This is optional, since chaincodes are installed in a peer container
  // and the npm packages has to be reachable. If you use a private registry
  // you'll have to provide the npmrc file
  "npmrc": "./.npmrc",
  // Optionally, instead of the file, you can provide just the token if you use
  // the standard registry but in private mode
  "npmtoken": "12312312",
  "controllers": [
    // Each controller is a reference to an NPM module, thus you have to provide
    // the name and version, along with the exported class in the `main` file
    // declared in the package.json
      "name": "@worldsibu/test-1",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "controller": "Test1Controller"
    }, {
      "name": "@worldsibu/test-2",
      // You can provide a path to a local npm package if you want, it will be copied
      "version": "file:./some/local/path",
      "controller": "Test2Controller"


In order to use the packaged app you have to first install it in the corresponding containers and initialized the logic, to do so, we provide some useful commands:

# Firts you need to install the chaincodes in every peer
# notice that in our dev env we have two peers, so this will have to be run two times
# with the proper org config file
chaincode-manager --config ./chaincode.config.json install ./chaincode [contract name] [contract version]

# After installing a chaincode, we need to instantiate it, this only has to happen
# in a single peer and all the others will download the block and instantiate automatically
chaincode-manager --config ./chaincode.config.json instantiate [contract name] [contract version]

# Upgrade works with the same logic as instantiate, the peers has to have the chaincode installed already
chaincode-manager --config ./chaincode.config.json upgrade [contract name] [contract version]

# There's a cli helper to easly test invocations to the chaincode
chaincode-manager --config ./chaincode.config.json invoke [contract name] [controller] [function] [...args]

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