The controller decorator is used to pass the namespace context to the Chaincode class.
It's used at chaincode initialization to declare all the methods and avoid method collision between controllers
Used to expose a function inside a controller to be called from the outside world.
The logic behind this decorators involves validating the amount of parameters expected against the ones received.
It also injects the ConvectorController.sender information.
Used to identify and parse the parameters when a function is invokable in the chaincode.
HLF invokes the functions using an array of strings, so no matter what type of data you sent when calling the function, it will be converted to a string.
This decorator is used to parse the arguments using yup for the data validation.
ConvectorModel can be used as well instead of a yup schema.
Can be either a ConvectorModel or a yup schema
Check out the validate options
This module contains the core controller definition and the controller-related helpers and decorators